Tuesday, December 11, 2007

my first love

I‘ll tell u about a friend

I shared my childhood, grew up with her

My dad had known her, so had his dad.

She must be pretty old, I guess

But never looked a day older than I was

I used to visit her everyday

‘Coz in her lap, I found unfailing solace

I’ve laughed, cried, and even been mad at her

Despite my mood swings, she always had an ear for me.

Sans words, she read my thoughts.

Her outward tranquility is deceptive,

She can get annoyingly loquacious at times.

Mind the Lady’s attitude, her notorious temper.

She forewarns you of her impending ire

But if you don’t have the ear to heed,- ACHTUNG!!

Her touch is magical, her embrace an elixir.

Her beauty is intoxicating, yet sanctimonious.

Her Neptune’s courtyard has enchanted me more than any fashion ramp

Or the cats that walk on them.

She is unfathomable poetry, only without words.

Then, destiny separated us

Providence made me rediscover her here.

She’s dubbed Cherai here though.

Back where I am from, we knew her as Marina

I bumped into her in Mumbai and called her Juhu

I chose the right service

The Navy will always keep me close to her.

Wordsworth was rightThere is indeed bliss in solitude.

But by the SEA, you are never alone.-


bitter_chocolate said...

u have another love now.. so dont u dare talk abt the sea any more!!

confused lot said...

read almost the entire blog, but this one is my fav. keep writing!