Thursday, January 3, 2008


Chirping , tweeting, cacophony?
Flutters, coos and caaaws.
Nature unfolds yet another mystery
One more trick up her loooong sleeve.
Each day she innovates and rolls up her sleeve ..just a little bit.

But blessed are the few
Who can behold the ecstasy
The few who have the time
To ‘stand and stare’.
The sea and her Queen (Both the sea’s and mine)
Are never far from my heart.
But reality is just an exaggeration.
Duty forces me to stay away from the former at times.

At times like this, if dusk steals the sky
And daylight shies away
At a pace slower than mona lisa’s smile
The self feels compulsively obsessed to get absorbed in the trance
I find the biggest tree and ..squat
Shifting perspective away from the concrete jungle around me
To its ‘avial’ counterpart overhead.
Teleported to a different realm.Forget thy self.
Roosting…!! Nature’s boisterous serenity.

The din- its music of its own.
Sans lyrics, sans rhyme, sans rhythm
It lacks rhythm…unlike the train
Which has cradled me to sleep many a time.
The ‘train’ played in the background
For my life’s most interesting episodes.
No pun intended, I just lived along a railway station.

I wonder what they are telling each other.
What families lay intertwined
Among these so called ‘less evolved’ beings.
They have so much to chirp about.
Incessant chatter, multiple and random.
(Hmmm..this reminds me of someone I love)
Yet the communiqué crystal.
Our share broker’s could pick up a few pointers?
From bulbuls for once instead of bulls.

I wonder, again, what they re discussing.?
How I wish this one more language I knew.
I yearn to decipher their noise

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